Dr. Mahir Yousif Aesthetics

The P Shot

The size and shape of your penis can have an extraordinary effect on your love life. Your self-esteem can be affected if you are unable to achieve or maintain a satisfactory erection or if you feel that the size of your penis is insufficient.

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    Increase Sexual Performance, Size and Pleasure with the P Shot

    Before now, men had limited options for treating erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation, or for addressing penis girth. This new technique that we utilize, allows our specialist doctor to offer men solutions to a variety of sexual wellness issues!

    Men often feel uncomfortable or embarrassed about talking to their doctor when it comes to sexual dysfunction. This is quite normal, as these issues are private. But rest assured, at PLAZA Clinics, we treat such matters with absolute discretion and our doctor and staff are very approachable and understanding. Our goal is to help each patient feel comfortable and achieve their goals without any physical or emotional discomfort.

    We are here for you. Reach out to us today and start your journey to a better and healthier sex life.

    Increase Sexual Performance, Size and Pleasure with the P Shot

    What is the P-Shot???

    The Priapus Shot, also referred to as the P-Shot, utilizes Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections to help rejuvenate the penis and increase sensation for men. Just as PRP can be used to restore the skin and hair, it also aids new blood vessels to form which increases the blood flow to the penis. The P-Shot can be a very effective treatment for erectile dysfunction, problems with size, shape and function of the penis.

    Who is P-Shot used for?

    The P-Shot can help in improvement of sexual performance for men that lasts,
    and it can be a safe and reliable, natural way to boost your penis if you are just looking to rejuvenate your penis and improve its function and size at any age so basically any adult male from 20s to 90s can get some benefit out of the shot but is particularly effective for middle age men when ED problems start to manifest.

    The P-Shot is also especially helpful for men who have lost proper function because of an enlarged prostate, prostate cancer, drug side effects, the after-effects of surgery, diabetes, and other conditions.

    Is P shot a permanent treatment for ED?

    P shot is a natural penis booster and counteracts effects of age, diabetes and prostate enlargement on the penis function and size, so naturally it needs to be repeated but remains to be the safest and most effective treatment for sexual health with no side effects as we are using the patient plasma with no foreign chemicals to enhance his penis.

    The P-Shot improves symptoms of erectile dysfunction in men for one year. These results can vary between patients, but generally patients experience stronger, longer, and firmer erections and improvement in size and girth of their Penis. Although the effects last for up to a year, if a patient likes the results and wants an extra boost, they can ask for another treatment after 3-6 months.

    Is P shot a permanent treatment for ED?

    What Results Can I Expect From the P-Shot, and When?

    PRP injection can provide immediate results with regards to penile function and erection strength and duration. The results are variable between patients, but patients can expect improvement in erection quality and duration.

    As the growth factors inside PRP works on the penis tissues, many patients can also expect a noticeable increase in size, but this takes a few weeks for the tissue regeneration to build and is again variable from patient to patient because this is a very safe and natural method, not using any chemicals or foreign materials.

    P-Shot Q&A

    What Is Double Shot?

    Is There Any Preparation Prior to a P-Shot Treatment? Does it hurt? How long does it take? Are there any side effects? What is my downtime after?

    There isn’t anything you need to do prior to these injections, besides hydrate!
    We start by taking a small sample of your blood. The blood is placed in a centrifuge that separates out the platelets, plasma, and removes white and red blood cells. What is left is super-concentrated platelet-rich plasma (PRP) that has extensive healing and regeneration capabilities.

    The procedure is not painful at all and with our experienced doctor and staff at Plaza clinics, it’s not even uncomfortable. The blood draw is done by expert registered nurses and our doctor will numb your penis locally before we start so you virtually feel nothing in the procedure.

    The whole procedure including the consultation, blood draw, preparation and the shot itself takes 30 minutes or less and you can go on with your day normally after.

    Is There Any Preparation Prior to a P-Shot Treatment? Does it hurt? How long does it take? Are there any side effects? What is my downtime after?

    Natural Results, Zero Downtime!

    Being a very natural procedure based on your own blood and plasma with no added chemicals, side effects are virtually non-existent.

    P shot has zero downtime. You can go on with your day as usual and even have sex after. In fact our doctor encourages patients to have intercourse on the same day if that’s possible.

    We are here for you. Reach out to us today and start your journey to a better and healthier sex life.

    Natural Results, Zero Downtime!

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